Colour & I Are One at Saul Hay Gallery
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Colour & I Are One
We were pleased to have been involved in some of the production for this show at the new gallery on the Manchester arts scene, Saul Hay, in the Castlefield are of the city. Ian and Catherine have done a fantastic job with their gallery fit out, and the framed prints created for the artist Sabrina Schmid are the highlight of the current show, ‘Colour & I Are One’, featuring a rich catalogue of artists, also including James Roper’s Metanoia Series.

Saul Hay Gallery, Manchester20th May – 16th July
A group exhibition celebrating the joy of colour through painting, sculpture and film.
It was Paul Klee who exclaimed “Colour and I are one. I am a painter” following an epiphany while on a trip to Tunisia in 1914.
Each of the seven colourists represented in Saul Hay Gallery’s fourth exhibition bring to their work a deep understanding of the language and power of colour to evoke an emotional response in the viewer.
Sabrina Schmid
Sabrina Schmid is an artist, filmmaker and academic. Currently teaching animation as Senior Lecturer at the School of Computing at Teesside University where she is also a member of the Research Institute of Design, Culture and the Arts.
Her work explores abstracted imagery by using hand painting and collaging methods directly on film material, combining analogue and digital technology to create experimental animations, which have screened internationally.
Sabrina’s film work will be shown throughout the exhibition alongside digital prints of imagery created for the original film frames and animation.
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